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Barton Seagrave Short Mat Bowls Club play at the Village Hall, 11 Bertone Road, Barton Seagrave, Kettering NN15 6WF on Monday evenings between 7.30 and 9.30 pm and on Wednesday afternoons between 1.30 and 3.30 pm.


We are a friendly club and are always happy to welcome potential new players. No previous experience is required and you are welcome and to come and try the sport to see if it appeals to you. The first three sessions are free after which each session costs £2.50p with an annual membership fee of £15.00.


We have a few bowls for you to try but if you take to the game we prefer you to have your own bowls. Flat soled bowling shoes must be worn to protect the mats.

So join us to enjoy the company of new friends, while getting some gentle exercise playing short mat bowls in an atmosphere of good humoured fun.


Peter Moore



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